Classes Wellington

6 week Yoga Beginners Course on Tuesday

Started:  29 October (The course will cover second part of the Beginners Course: 4 & 5 & 6)
Tuesdays 5.45 - 7.15pm 
(once a week)
6 week course for $108/*$90  conc. for full time students and holders of services community card 

For this course we require booking via our booking system.

Back & Neck Care on Mondays during Lunchtime Yoga

Class focused on Back & Neck Care from the system Yoga in Daily Life are well-known in Europe for assisting in recovery from back pain, poor posture and neck stiffness. 

Mondays:  12.15 - 1.15pm
Drop in :$18 or 10 class concession card


Beginners Course

Beginners Course suitable for those with no experience of Yoga, or if you are coming back to your practice after a break

Gentle class for Seniors

A very gentle class to relax, to recharge energy and bring some comfort back into life.     

Tuesdays: 10.00-11.00am

Ongoing drop-in classes, no need to book, $10 for 65+ y.o.