Sundays 8-9pm | $10 | in-person in Kapiti ashram or online

Practising sitting meditation and lying down relaxation with the sound of Indian bamboo flute (Bansuri) and Japanese Shakuhachi, led by Swami Madhuram Puri. 

The class is divided into 2 parts, fisrt is Yoga Nidra (lying down relaxation) and second is sitting Meditation. Both suitable for beginners or advanced students. The practices are guided with a sections of live music woven into the words. Very relaxing and pleasant ending of the day. 

The resonance of the flute will calm down our mind and thoughts. Our brain waves  become slower and calmer, creating an experience of peace, balance and awaken spirituality - which brings harmony in every aspect of our life. 

You can join this class online from your home. Please navigate to the insight timer events page of Swami Madhuram and then click on the relevent event to join the class. If you are a casual visiter you can just pay for the class via your paypal account or credit/debit card.  If you'd like to register with us and pay for the class via the online booking system - Glofox, or you are already registered then please follow this link to pay for the class