6 Week Meditation Course Kapiti
Tuesday 7.30-8.30pm | Starts 11 March 20254 | $75
6 Week Course, please book
Using simple techniques, the teacher will guide you into Self-Inquiry Meditation - suitable for all, including beginners.
Tuesday 7.30-8.30pm | Starts 11 March 20254 | $75
6 Week Course, please book
Using simple techniques, the teacher will guide you into Self-Inquiry Meditation - suitable for all, including beginners.
Monday: 7.30-8.45pm (75min)
Tuesday: 9.30-10.45am (75min)
Drop-in Class, no need to book
The Beginners Yoga classes (Level 1-2) are open to everyone, according to your level of ability and experience. Specially suitable for beginners.
Thursday: 6.30-8.45pm
Saturday: 9.30-10.45am
Drop-in Class, no need to book
These classes are for anyone who has done yoga before and is ready for more advanced yoga postures, done with deeper inner focus and concentration.
The latest adition to our timetable. Lunchtime class is here for those who need a short class in the middle of the day to refresh your self and calm the mind.
Wednesdays & Fridays | 12.15-1pm | $10