Courses focused on Back & Neck Care from the system YOGA IN DAILY LIFE are well-known in Europe for assisting in recovery from back pain, poor posture and neck stiffness. 

This special program for Back & Neck Care was designed in cooperation with physiotherapists and medical doctors.
The consistency and regularity of your yoga practice is an important factor in bringing changes in your back and your general physical state.
The class will start with a deep relaxation to let go the physical and mental tension, and will continue then with the asanas, systematically progressing each week. The class will end up as usually with pranayam and short concentration/meditation techniques.
The class is ideal for people with the back & neck problem/tention/discomfort or also people who need a slower pace or find difficult to follow our other classes.


Starting: 6 of May, Mondays 6-7.15pm
Booking needed: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via our Glofox system, button "Bookings" under the "Courses"
Price: $108 /*$90 (students, holders of Gold card)